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Author: LINE

CRTA and AMELICOR demonstrate cutting-edge robotic technologies at DigiDeck23 construction digitization conference

On Wednesday, November 16, 2023, our assistant and Ph.D. candidate, Branimir Ćaran, under the guidance of assistant professor Marko Švaco, participated in the international conference on construction digitization – DigiDeck23. Our team from CRTA joined forces with the AMELICOR group to showcase the possibilities of applying modern robotic technologies...
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Cooperation between the UNIZG FSB, CRTA and BMW Group

At the ceremonial signing of the project assignment, which took place at FSB, the representatives from BMW Group were Mr. Moritz Poremba, head of the development of battery cell technology and recycling of the BMW Group - Factory BCCC, and Mr. Ivan Rumenović, project manager for the production logistics ordering system of the BMW Group - Factory BCCC. From the FSB side the ceremony was attended by...
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CRTA participated in the 2023 University of Zagreb Fair

We proudly announce that the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FSB) actively participated in this year's University Fair. Alongside representatives from various fields, we proudly highlight the participation of the Regional Center of Excellence for Robotic Technology (CRTA). Just like last year, CRTA prepared a booth that thrilled visitors. Our booth was a true showcase...
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The implementation of the project "Research and development of an intelligent modular platform for logistics process management - KK." has ended.

Project coordinator: ATLANTIC TRADE d.o.o. Project partners:  ATLANTIC GRUPA d.d., GIDEON BROTHERS d.o.o., University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Total value of the project: 26,927,878.34 kn/3,573,943.64 EUR
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CRTA participated in the final conference of the School of the Future 2022/23 project

At the final conference at Infobip's Alpha Centauri campus, CRTA and FSB were represented by our researcher Mislav Ćuže, mag. ing. mech. and five students - Bruno Pernar, Matej Čok, Niko Vujić, Karlo Cirkvenčić and Silvio Petrinjak.
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The work of our student Tara Knežević was presented at the RAAD 2023 international conference

Doc. dr. sc. Marko Švaco i studentica Tara Knežević sudjelovali su na konferenciji „The 32nd  International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region“, RAAD2023 od 14. do 16. lipnja 2023. na Bledu u Sloveniji. Tara Knežević je predstavila rad  na kojem je ujedno i prvi autor: „Physical Education Exercises Validation Through Child-Humanoid Robot Interaction“. Rad je…
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„Lightning Lojtrići" in CRTA

           Kindergarten Lojtrica from Velika Mlaka, near Velika Gorica has been conducted a program with potentially gifted children between the ages of 5 and 7 for several years. The program's final meeting was marked on May 31, 2022, with a visit to CRTA (Regional Center of Excellence for Robotics Technologies) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Zagreb.
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LINE @ Future Tense

Our professor, Bojan Jerbić, and PhD student Branimir Ćaran, participated in the prestigious international conference Future Tense, held on June 8th and 9th, 2022, at the renowned Lauba House of Arts in Zagreb. The conference featured lectures by renowned global scientists, professors, and speakers who discussed topics such as technology, education, business, leadership, tourism, and sustainability. Some of the notable speakers who participated included Daniel Susskind, a British economist and futurist; Mike Bechtel, the CEO of Deloitte; Mike Walsh, a well-known global author and speaker on the future and technology, among others like Anne Lise Kjaer, Ian Yeoman, and Daria Krivonos. Alongside these esteemed speakers, our professor Jerbić took the stage and delivered a speech primarily focusing on the Regional Center of Excellence for Robotics Technologies, its establishment, visual identity, and its main projects and goals as the only center of its kind in this part of Europe. During his arrival on stage and throughout his speech, our professor was accompanied by everyone's favorite robot from CRTA, SPOT, while our doctoral student Branimir took care of SPOT and technical questions.
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The visual identity of CRTA has been recognized for innovation and received an award from the prestigious Art Directors Club of New York (ADC Awards)

The visual identity of the Regional Center of Excellence for Robotics Technologies (CRTA) has been recognized for innovation by the prestigious Art Directors Club of New York (ADC Awards), the longest-running international awards for advertising and design. CRTA is a robotics laboratory operating within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture at the University of Zagreb, and its visual identity was created with the assistance of artificial intelligence and the Bruketa&Žinić&Grey agency. Students wrote the name of the laboratory, "CRTA," by hand, and their handwriting served as input data for the artificial intelligence. By processing this information, numerous visual elements were generated, forming the basis for the visual identity.
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The ASAP project appeared on the cover of Građevinar magazine

You can see the cover page as well as the introductory article about the project at the link below.