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The ASAP project appeared on the cover of Građevinar magazine

The ASAP project appeared on the cover of Građevinar magazine

The ASAP project appeared on the cover of the Građevinar magazine, which once again presented the project publicly. You can see the cover, as well as the introductory article about the project here.

The goal of the ASAP project is to develop a system for autonomous inspection and prediction of the integrity of transportation infrastructure, specifically for the maintenance of roads and railways. The system includes the autonomous conduct of experimental material and structural testing using robots and unmanned aerial vehicles, real-time wireless data collection, and subsequent post-processing linking of experimental test results with numerical models to assess the service life and remaining load-bearing capacity of structures. The data is then stored in a large database for end users.

The Faculty of Civil Engineering (GF) of the University of Zagreb is the main user and coordinator of the project. The project is being conducted in collaboration with partners from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FMENA), both from the University of Zagreb. By combining the fields of civil engineering, robotics, and computer science, has been created an interdisciplinary entity that offers innovative solutions for the maintenance, monitoring, and management of transportation infrastructure. It will become a strong strategic partner for the public and private sectors and contribute to the competitiveness cluster in the field of civil engineering modernization.

The FMENA brings several strengths as a partner in the project. These strengths include expertise in robotics and the development of advanced autonomous systems, experience in technological projects and technology transfer to the industry, and a strong network with end-users of robotic solutions.

The project, with a duration of 36 months (20th December 2019 - 19th December 2022), has a total value of 7,199,141.25 HRK. Out of this amount, 6,044,277.43 HRK is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.

The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund
The website was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
The content of the website is the sole responsibility of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.