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2nd European Congress of Biomedical and Veterinary Engineering (BioMedVetMech) in October, 2024 in Zagreb

It is with great pleasure that we announce the 2nd European Congress of Biomedical and Veterinary Engineering (BioMedVetMech), which will be held from October 18 to 20, 2024 in Zagreb, Croatia. This transdisciplinary congress will bring together leading experts and researchers to discuss a wide range of topics in veterinary and biomedical engineering, including: The theme of the congress is: “Engineering for all of us –…
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Research Cooperation: BMW Group and University of Zagreb Optimize Battery Cell Production with Artificial Intelligence

Munich/Zagreb. In an exciting new collaboration, the Battery Cell Competence Center (BCCC) of the BMW Group and the Regional Center of Excellence for Robotic Technologies (CRTA), Faculty of Mechanical and Naval Engineering, University of Zagreb are joining forces to advance battery cell production using artificial intelligence (AI). This research collaboration is designed to push the boundaries of innovation in battery cell manufacturing, increasing…
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TeamUp X Health Held: A Gathering of Experts at Algebra University 

Algebra University successfully hosted the TeamUp X Health event, bringing together many experts from the healthcare sector, entrepreneurs, healthcare professionals, and interested individuals. The event was organized by Smion as part of the AI2MED project, which focuses on the application of artificial intelligence in medicine...
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Petro Kristović and Branimir Ćaran have successfully defended their PhD thesis topics

On Friday, June 28ht, 2024, the Regional Center of Excellence in Robotic Technology - CRTA held the public defense of the topic of the PhD dissertation titled "Data-Based Analysis and Synthesis of Dissipative Dynamical Systems" was held. The committee members, Prof. Dr. Sc. Andrej Jokić, Prof. Dr. Sc. Josip Kasać, and Prof. Dr. Sc. Ivica Nakić...
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Collaboration between CRTA and BMW Group 

Successful Collaboration for Technological Advancement and Education The Regional Center of Excellence for Robotic Technologies (CRTA), part of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FSB) at the University of Zagreb, and the BMW Group from Munich are continuing their successful partnership, which began at the end of 2023 with the INSIGHT project (Intelligent Data Models for Battery Cell Production). The INSIGHT project with BMW Group
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Field work at the Renault vehicle factory - Revoz d.d.

Final year students of Mechatronics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems and Computer Intelligence visited Revoz on May 28, 2024, one of the largest Slovenian companies and the only car manufacturer in the country. Renault Twingo 3, Twingo Electric and Clio 5 cars are produced in Revoz.
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Gideon Brothers – visit

On Friday, May 17, 2024, final year students of Mechatronics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems and Computer Intelligence visited the offices and test warehouse of the Gideon Brothers company. The goal of the visit was to bring the students closer to the business of a renowned Croatian startup that develops innovative products for the global market.
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Popularization of the STEM field and FSB at the final conference of the school of the future in Infobip

FSB students from the study program Mechatronics and Robotics, together with a junior researcher from CRTA, Patrik Putanec, presented FSB, Mechatronics and Robotics and CRTA at an interactive stand in the Infobip space. The presentation was organized as part of the traditional final conference of schools of the future organized by Infobip and its partners, which was visited by more than 500 children from all over Croatia...
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Student field trip to Klimaoprema

On May 3, 2024, 4th and 5th year students of Mechatronics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems and Computer Intelligence visited the production plant of the Klimaoprema company in Nova Gradiška. This field visit gave them an insight into real processes and work in an industrial environment, providing a valuable addition to their theoretical knowledge.
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Call for Expression of Interest to Join the Research Team on a Project for Non-invasive Patient Registration for Robotic Neurosurgery!

In a world where the boundaries of technological advancement are continually being pushed, the opportunity to work on a project that combines robotics, computer image processing, and medical technology presents an exceptional opportunity for young engineers
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